在编译Github上一些Android项目的时候, Gradle sync 总会抛出这样的一个提示:
Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle plugin since you are using Gradle version 4.6 or above. Suggestion: disable configuration on demand by setting org.gradle.configureondemand=false in your gradle.properties file or use a Gradle version less than 4.6.
导致编译不能进行下去, 即使你将org.gradle.configureondemand=false
设置了, 或者使用低版本的Gradle, 这个问题依旧存在.确实很恼人.但是问题终究要解决, 最后在网上找到了解决办法: 并不需要降级Gradle, 两步解决:
从gradle.properties 删除 org.gradle.configureondemand.
在 Android Studio中, 如果是 Mac,
Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
去掉 the configure on demand 选中. 如果是 Linux/WindowsFile > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
and uncheck the configure on demand.